We have important news for potential immigrants: new amendments to Immigration Law No. 6458, Article No.: 31-1 (e), entered into force in Turkey. New restrictions were set on areas where you can get a residence permit, and the amount of investment in property has been reconsidered. These changes mean that:
The new rules apply to short-term, long-term, and any other kinds of residence permit, which should be taken into account if you choose Turkey as a destination for temporary or permanent residence.
The Turkish law entitles foreign guests to legally stay in the country on the basis of one of the following permits:
The government of the jurisdiction will give you an opportunity to choose any type of İkamet if you provide a strong argument why you need it: for a business visit, medical care, scientific research, or to meet judicial requirement
What requirements do you need to meet to receive a residence permit in Turkey valid for up to 2 years? There are several options here, and each of them has to be discussed separately.
Requirements for the applicant who wants to obtain a short-term residence permit in Turkey in 2022:
Documents required to get a residence permit:
If you arrive in Turkey for a business visit, you may need documents on company registration, bank accounts, investment fees, etc. The list of mandatory requirements may differ depending on the type of permit.
The following items in the Turkish immigration program have been amended, and they refer not only to residence permits but also to citizenship:
The new rules do not apply to foreigners who managed to get a primary residence permit in these areas before the restrictions were imposed and/or extend it on the same grounds without changing their place of residence.
If the primary residence permit was obtained on the condition of buying real estate in another area and the application for extension was received after moving to a closed area, the foreigner will be turned down, and other grounds for residence permit renewal will have to be provided.
A touristic residence permit does not give the right to work in Turkey, but allows you to stay in the jurisdiction for up to 2 years. You can apply for a touristic residence permit in Turkey in person or through a proxy by submitting the relevant document to the Consulate and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Note: in 2022, you can get a touristic residence permit on the same terms by buying a facility at a price of $75,000 (or $50,000 in small cities). However, the period of stay on the basis of a touristic residence permit in Turkey is not included in the naturalization period (which gives the right to citizenship). According to a general rule, the naturalization period lasts for 5 years, following which the foreigner can apply for a Turkish passport.
One of the most common residence permits in Turkey is granted for the purchase of real estate for commercial or residential purposes. Making such investments gives a foreign citizen an opportunity not only to obtain a residence permit but also to become a Turkish resident. In this case, the terms and conditions depend entirely on the cost of the apartment.
For example, if you invest in a villa in Antalya, you can count on obtainingTurkish citizenship with a minimum package of documents. However, if you purchase nothing less than a boutique hotel, you can move to Turkey with the whole family (with family members becoming subjects of the jurisdiction) and start a hotel business. Sounds good, doesn’t it?
Here are the requirements you will have to meet to qualify for a residence permit by investment in Turkey:
If a foreign citizen has fulfilled at least one condition, he/she can safely apply to the Consulate for a residence permit or citizenship. The only mandatory condition is the documentary evidence of investments:
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